Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homemade Big Hunks

Not THIS Big Hunk... although, this recipe excites me almost as much.

One of the happiest times in my life is when my husband and I were first dating- he would pick me up in his shiny blue truck, we would stop at a gas station, and buy the essentials.  A bag of sunflower seeds, a big Diet Pepsi for me, and a couple of Big Hunks.  Life.was.GOOD.  It still is good, but our time alone these days is very limited due to our 4 little people we have since acquired.

For me, Sunday evenings need to include 2 things.  People and FOOD.  I've been in the Christmas candy-making mood since our last week's Relief Society night on candy making.  A sweet lady from our ward shared this recipe and I knew it would need to be included in our Sunday night snacking.  This tastes exactly like a Big Hunk, only softer and more fresh.  My family and friends LOVED these.  I can hardly wait to add them to the Christmas baking list.  Enjoy!

20 ounces of marshmallow cream (3 small jars or 1 1/2 big jars)
2 1/4 cup sugar
2 1/4 cup corn syrup
2 tsp vanilla
6 TB butter
1/2 tsp salt
1 large jar of salted peanuts

Bring corn syrup and sugar to a boil in a heavy saucepan, stirring constantly.  Once it begins to boil, clip on your candy thermometer and let the mixture boil until it reaches 285.  While this is cooking, add the marshmallow cream, butter, and salt into a large bowl.  Pour sugar mixture over marshmallow mixture and stir to combine, then add the vanilla and peanuts.  Pour into a buttered cookie sheet and let sit at room temperature for a couple hours.  Cut into small (I did 1x1 inch squares) and wrap in wax paper.  Share with all the people you love :)

You're welcome.

Posted by: Tiffany :)


  1. A friend of mine LOVES Big Hunk candy bars!!! Just found her Christmas present--Thanks!

  2. Oh my I love big hunks and will for sure be trying this.

  3. Was the sweet lady in your ward Bonnie Meyer? She taught me how to make these...and they are delicious!
