Saturday, July 13, 2013

30 day bran muffins

 Oh these muffins.....

So many good things about them. I almost always have a batch of this batter in my fridge.

Besides these being insanely divine, they're very convenient.  The batter will last in your fridge for 30 days! You can make a couple dozen for a crowd or pop in just a few for a late night snack. They're a perfect addition to any breakfast or brunch. 
1 box All Bran cereal
5 cups buttermilk
2 2/3 cups boiling water
1 1/3 cup shortening
5 eggs
4 c sugar
7 c flour
1 T + 1 t baking soda
1 1/2 t. salt

Heat oven to 350*
Put a big box of All Bran cold cereal in a large bowl.  I've used both the flakes and the kind that looks like it should be cat food. I can't tell a difference either way. Pour buttermilk and boiling water over cereal and let it sit and soften while you do the rest. 

In a separate bowl, cream together shortening, sugar and eggs. After mixed well, add to cereal mixture. (I like to run a whisk through the cereal mixture before I add the other).  Mix together.

In yet another bowl, sift the dry ingredients. Add dry to the wet and stir carefully.  At this point you'll be glad you have a LARGE bowl.

You'll probably want to bake some right away.  Bake at 350* for about 20 minutes. Make a little, make a lot. Put the rest of the goodness into the fridge and bust it out whenever.

*I've found this to be the perfect gift for new moms.  I usually bake a dozen or so and attach them to the rest of the batter with baking instructions.

 I serve these fresh out of the oven with butter and honey. Or maybe honey butter. ;)


*I've made these many times with some healthy substitutes and they've turned out great.
Instead of shortening I use Greek yogurt. I just made these last week and used vanilla Greek yogurt.  In place of sugar, I did 3 cups of Splenda and 1 cup of honey.  Instead of white flour, I did four cups wheat flour, 2 cups white flour and 1/2 cup ground flax seed.

Posted by Cambria


  1. Didn't know you guys had a blog. Love it. I remember you always having the best food in your kitchen!

  2. I love the healthy substitute list. And the fact that other people think that cereal looks like cat food. I may try these with a bunch of the healthier stuff and see how they work. Tell me, will I need to stay close by a bathroom if I eat more than one?

    1. You funny girl - let's just say that you will be "unencumbered" and floating like a butterfly.

  3. I just made these muffins and I love them! Also, I have a hard time getting my husband to eat breakfast in the mornings, so this is great that it will stay in the fridge for a month. I can just pop a couple in the oven each morning and he has a breakfast to go. Thanks so much!
