Saturday, July 13, 2013

Energy Balls

These little things are packed full of some of my favorite things, and the best part is that they are GOOD for you!  Also, they're no bake which is a plus in these hot summer months. We make these regularly at our house.  My kids love them.  They are the perfect snack for those awkward times in the day when you're in-between meals.  I like to keep them in the freezer instead of the fridge, they don't freeze completely, and there is something yummy about them when they're ice cold.  Make them TODAY!
4 cups oats (use the real oats, not quick oats)
2 cups peanut butter (crunchy or creamy works)
2 cups coconut
1 cup honey
1 cup flax seed (make sure it's ground)*
1 TB vanilla
mini chocolate chips
Combine all ingredients.  I like to put everything into my Kitchenaid with the paddle attachment and let 'er rip.  After everything is well combined, roll into little balls and store in a Tupperware in the fridge.  (Or freezer like me)
*if you've never used flax seed in your baking, start doing it now!  It's packed with SO many good things like fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids.  Add some to oatmeal, muffins, breads, etc.
Posted by Tiffany :)

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany those look fabulous! You always have the best ideas and things that work for busy moms. Can't wait to try these.
