Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sonoma Chicken Salad Sandwich

Before all the hustle and bustle of the holidays hit, before the feasting, shopping and parties begin... don't you just want to sit down on a Wednesday night with a great sandwich, with fuzzy socks on and watch Office reruns?

Sonoma Chicken Salad Sandwiches - a most tasty, feel-good sandwich, the calm before the storm, the real reason people show up to wedding receptions. 

I just love the combination of ingredients in this recipe, and I happened to have all of them on hand.  

There are some things that will never come close to homemade. This sandwich would be one of them.  Toasting  the pecans is an extra step but adds incredible flavor and an unmatched tender crunch.  

My new favorite bread.  
I read the back of this package and turns out 'Dave' is a reformed felon who turned his life around after he hit rock bottom. Thought his story was so cool, I bought the bread just to support him.  It just so happens that the bread is nothing short of amazing and healthy.

Here's what I love about this recipe:

#1 - It has onion powder in it. Gives great flavor without the harsh bite of a raw onion.
#2 - Makes a yummy salad atop a pile of lovely greens. And by greens, iceberg lettuce is not included.  

#3 - A lovely way to use up leftover turkey or chicken, or just quick and easy by picking up a rotisserie chicken.  

I happened to make a huge bowl of this earlier in the day.
If you make it, they will come.
And if they don't, you won't be hatin' eating this for a few days.

 The nurturer in me won't let me send anyone out into the cold cruel world hungry, so when a couple of hungry guys (weird, both their names were 'Elder') stopped by I made a monster tray of these. 

Glass of cold milk, an empty tray and they were good to go. 

It's the simple things in life that bring the most joy.

Sonoma Chicken Salad Sandwich

3 1/2 cups diced chicken 
1 cup finely chopped celery
1/2 cup Craisins
2/3 cup toasted pecans, chopped
1 T poppy seeds

2/3 cup mayonnaise 
1/4 cup apple juice
1 t. onion powder
1 t. mustard
1/2 t. salt

Mix together the mayonnaise, apple juice, onion powder, mustard, and salt in a small bowl.  Add to remaining ingredients and mix gently.  Serve on croissant or whole grain bread.  Top with greens if desired. 

I used leftover turkey breast from here:   because a 7 lb. turkey, 2 people meant lots of leftovers.  

"Just any chicken salad?  FALSE. The best".

Posted by: Rona

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