Thursday, August 8, 2013

Chia Thingies

Ch Ch Ch Chia

You just sang that jingle, didn't you?

But you only know the first line (Is there even a second line?), and now it will be in your head all day. Sorry.

Actually, if I'd have known back in the 70's the remarkable nutritional value of the humble powerhouse Chia Seed, I would have licked clean that lil ol' clay donkey.

These Chia Thingies are a healthy way to get some serious nutrition into your system.  They are the perfect make-ahead breakfast, mid-morning snack, or even dessert.  

They are soooo easy, and soooo yummy.

Chia Thingies 

You can make these the night before, and take one with you to work in the morning.  It actually only takes about an hour for them to set up.  They kind of remind me of tapioca pudding, but so much healthier.

The Chia Seeds look like little black rocks, but when they are mixed with liquid, they form a clear gel like substance around them.  They absorb 10 times their weight in water making you feel fuller.

Well yuck, globulin type substance.  But trust me.

Chia seeds have more Omega 3 fatty acids than any other food, including salmon.  Plus there are 10 grams of fiber in 2 tablespoons of Chia Seed, not to mention they are loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants... and vitamins and minerals.

I've been ordering them online from Amazon Prime (which may or may not have me on their Christmas card list), but I just saw them at my local Safeway. 

You don't need to grind these like flax seed.

I've tried this concoction with most kinds of fruit.  Berries are especially da bomb: blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry...

All ya gotta do is shake your groove thing.

Tupperware's got nothing on a mason jar.
It's the best receptacle for this.

Let it go.
Let go of the guilt. 
It's time to move forward with 
a  guilt-free Chia Thingy.

Chia Thingies

1 1/2 cups almond milk

3 T chia seeds
handful of fresh or frozen fruit
drop of vanilla 
Splenda or honey

Put in a pint jar, give a quick stir or shake up.  Wait.  Wait a little longer.  Stir it up.  Wipe the sweat from your brow.  Enjoy it.

Posted by: Rona

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rona
    your in the grove. I will try your chia thingies. But can they make the great IVon any more healthy than he already is?
