Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sauteed Mushrooms (done right)

Black Angus Ribeye (medium rare) + Sauteed Mushrooms 
= an out of body experience.
I'm just sayin'...

Sauteed Mushrooms done right; not soggy, 
lightly caramelized and seasoned to perfection. 

I have secrets and I'm not afraid to share:

 Secret #1:  
Don't wash under running water.
Our fungi friends are quite absorbent and will soak up the water like a sponge.  End result will be soggy, boiled, steamy mushrooms. 

Instead, lightly wipe shrooms with a damp paper towel.  

Secret #2:  
Add garlic when almost done.  
Garlic burns easily.  Burnt garlic is nasty, bitter, horrifying. You'll want to saute these at a medium high/high heat which will kill your garlic way too early.

   Secret #3:  
Bacon grease.  
It will knock your socks off.  
It's a sock-knocker-offer.

Sauteed Mushrooms (done right)

2 packages mushrooms, washed and sliced
1/4 cup bacon grease (saved from last night's BLT's)
2 garlic cloves, mashed or finely chopped
salt and pepper
fresh thyme, if desired (about 1-2 T)

Heat skillet hot hot hot.  Add the bacon grease, when it's almost smoking, add the mushrooms and saute until golden brown, stirring frequently (but gently).  Add garlic, go another few minutes. Season with salt and pepper.  It's now a good time to add the thyme.

Option:  You can add a little butter for more great flavor, but do it after they are golden. 

Another Option:  If you don't have bacon grease, use Canola oil, and add butter at the end.  Won't be as good.  Don't say I didn't warn you.

Ever been to orbit?  
Pack your bags 'cause you're going there.

Posted by: Rona

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