Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rainbow Slaw

Gotta say, I loved this colorful salad!!  Some are just perty - but this really is a good conglomeration of flavors.  Plus, the crunch was so.... well crunchy.

Rainbow Slaw

Gave the knife a quick whack at the sharpener, then sliced these veggies like a ninja:

1/2 head red cabbage
3 peppers ( I wanted a red, orange and yellow but my store only had huge red peppers on steroids, so I just got 2 of those)
1 8oz. pkg of snow peas

Then grabbed a handful of cilantro and gave it a rough chop.

Toasted about a tablespoon of cumin seeds (use less if that scares you).  Gotta watch these little morsels of flavor, it's kind of hard to tell when they're toasted cause they're so tiny, but the aroma is amazing!  I probably let them toast for about 5 minutes, giving the pan an occasional shake.

Now... I'm anti-bottled-dressing.  Kind of think they all taste like crap, but this was delightfully tasty. 

Champagne Dressing

In a small bowl, I whisked together the cilantro, the toasted cumin seeds, probably about 1/2 cup (or a little more) of the Champagne dressing, the juice of one lime, and a hefty grind of salt and pepper.

After it mixed and mingled for a bit and the flavors got acquainted....  It was good to go. 

 Even though it's a totally different taste than traditional slaw, it makes a great refreshing summer salad.


Posted by:  Rona

1 comment:

  1. This looks and sounds so good. Love your writing style -- most recipes aren't so entertaining to read. Great idea to do this blog with your girls! Eventually you'll want to publish it!
