Monday, October 14, 2013

Homemade Vanilla

Vanilla: the world's most popular flavor.  
It's the heartbeat of all things sweet and it's anything but average. 
This is, quite simply...
the best vanilla you will ever use.
And I'm not just blowing smoke.

Can I even begin to tell you how much I LOVE this stuff?? 

 I'm somewhat infatuated. 

Start with about 25 vanilla beans.  You can get these cheapest through Amazon I've found.I use the Madagascar ones because I really liked that movie (and they are the best).  

Slice each bean down the middle to expose the vanilla seeds, 
leaving the ends intact. 

Put them all in a bottle of cheap Vodka - 
the 7.5 cup size.  
Vodka is a great choice of alcohol because it has no flavor and can more fully absorb the vanilla goodness.
PS:  You don't ever have to remove the beans, they are the gift that keeps on giving.  The longer you leave them in, the stronger your vanilla will be. 

Give a little shake, put in a cool dry place.  Walk away...for two months.  Yes, this takes two months.  But good things come to those who wait.  

Every couple weeks, give the bottle a shake. 

And one day, you will get this amazingly rich, flavorful, creamy vanilla goodness that completely dominates anything you can buy. 

And no matter what it goes in, you will reign as the queen (or king) of your cookies, or hot chocolate, or butter syrup, or anything...

because the best ingredients make the best goods.
Makes a great gift too!

Homemade Vanilla
25 vanilla beans
7 1/2 cup bottle of vodka

Slice beans lengthwise, keeping ends intact. Place in vodka.  Let sit for two months.  Shake every couple of weeks.

The best.

Posted by Rona



  1. Oh man I so want to make this, but also I probably never will. Can you just mail me like 10 bottles of it? Awesome! WAIT! Can you just come visit me and bring it? Even better.

  2. Hey Flannery girls! I love seeing your posts on fb and I've even tried out a few recipes. Keep it going. I'm a fan!

  3. First I'd like a gold star for following directions and commenting on the blog, not Facebook ;)
    KEEP IT GOING GIRLS! I have a whole folder in my email dedicated to your recipes so I'll never lose them!

  4. I hope you keep your blog public. I love the recipes. I really want to try this one. Do you think it would be appropriate for the Bishop's wife to buy a bottle of Vodka? I have never done that before. You may have to help me out next time you are here.

  5. I just stole this recipe so I can try this. I've always wanted to play with vanilla beans, but I wasn't sure where to get them, so you rock TWICE!! (Buying the vodka is a scary idea, though--gonna have to get some help with that one!)

  6. Please please please stay public....where can I buy vodka in blanding?

    1. Nowhere Beth! Let's make a run to the liquor store and make some!

  7. Gosh, I never knew homemade vanilla was so easy!! The hardest part will be buying the vodka, living in Blanding and all :) I LOVE your blog. It is ALWAYS up on my computer for one thing or another. I'm just not good at commenting. But I promise to do better if you keep it public :)

  8. I sure do love vanilla, and Rona, and I can only imagine how fantastic my life will be when I win this. And, although I understand the desire for a private blog, I really think the world would sink into a massive depression if they did not have access to the wit, humor, cooking skills, and all-around-stellarization (different than sterilization) of the Flannery Foodies. Just don't put any personal addresses or whatnot on here and keep on keepin' on. Or, at least send me an invite. I love y'all and am really crossing my fingers to win...and if I do win I'll have to cross my legs, so I don't cry those happy tears right down my legs. Mwah!

  9. Love your Vanilla! I'm almost out. Need to start making my own.

  10. OK Flannery girls...first of all I have tried MULTIPLE times to comment on this blog and it never worked. We only have my phones internet right now and every time I try to comment it doesn't post, Chris just fixed it for me (I kinda struggle and wansnt logged on). I LOVE this blog. It's kinda been life changing :). My family and I thank you for all the time you put into. I use it on a regular basis, don't think I could even list all the things I've tried. Tiff, made the energy balls today and they were a BIG hit. Had buttermilk pancakes and butter and apple syrup for conference Sunday and oh my good it made me cuss on conference Sunday :) The blackened salmon, lasagna, honey roasted yams, pumpkin doughnut bites, mac n cheese...everything I've made is heavenly. Not to mention you gals are so freakin hilarious I laugh my face off and miss you every time I read it. What the world needs is a flannery food blog...keep up the good work and now that I've got my tech stuff figured out, you'll be hearing a lot from me. Wow...kinda too much, love you, love the blog, LOVE the food!

  11. Rona you are amazing! If you do go private I will need an invite. Your recipes are so delicious and easy and they give me a reason to keep working out so that I can eat more yumminess.

  12. I love your recipes. If you go private make sure you invite me!

  13. I love reading you blog/recipes and the humor that goes with it. You girls are amazing.

  14. Love the vanilla! It was scary must first time but I got used to it. Just go right in and ask for vodka. They put it in a brown paper bag and everything. Love your website.

  15. Oh you Flannery's, I just love you and your blog. If you do go private I expect an invite. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful recipes, and the pictures and humor to go with it. I really hope I win the vanilla. It has never occurred to me that you could make your own. Please pick me! :)

  16. I love your blog! The recipes are amazing!!!

  17. Love the blog! I haven't tried nearly as many recipes a I want, but I have you bookmarked for the days I am feeling ambitious. :) I did make the white chicken chili. Delicious!

  18. Bootleggin' in Wyomin' - I have wanted to try making this vanilla but was a little hesitant to go buy Vodka, yikes, what would the PTA mom's say if they saw me walking out of the liqour store on 4th North in the Bountiful Bubble! When I went to watch my daughter play volleyball in Wyoming and walked in the Albertstons and saw their mini liqour store I couldn't pass up the opportunity. When I walked in and saw all the bottles, oh my, I didn't know where to begin so I went to the cashier and asked her where I could find Vodka to make vanilla of course, did I say I was making vanilla and I had never been in a liquur store before? So where is your Vodka that I can make vanilla with? She showed me the Vodka and asked me if I wanted vanilla Vodka or cherry vodka or I didn't realize there was more than one kind. I didn't want to return my purchase so I called the Queen herself and asked her which kind to buy. She said the cheapest plastic bottle, I was happy to hear that, what was I going to say to my husband if the bottles broke driving back from Wyoming? As I was talking to Rona and telling her about our recent temple trip I looked around and wondered if lightening was going to strike me so I quickly ended our conversation and asked the lady to triple bag my purchase and hurried to my car. And I thought I was a rebel driving to Wyoming to buy fireworks back in the day.
    I came home and found vanilla beans on Amazon, I did look up the website for Olive Nation, they sell madagascar vanilla beans on Amazon but on the sight I was able to use a coupon code and saved 20% along with free shipping. The coupon code is 202013.
    BTW- I did sneak the Vodka in my house without anyone seeing and hid it downstairs.
    I will stay anonymous, wouldn't want the PTA to know.
