Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fresh Peach Pie

This is the best summer time dessert!  It is a family recipe that has been passed down multiple generations.  I hope I don't get in trouble for putting it on the internet for the world to see! :)

Pie crust
8 peaches
1/4 lemon juice
1 can sweetened condensed milk
heavy whipping cream
powdered sugar

You can make your own pie crust or do it the lazy way like me and just buy it.  But buy the larger ones.  You'll need about 8 peaches.  Maybe a little more, little less. Just depends on the size.  Skin the peaches and slice into the pie crust.  Should be about level or just below top of the pie pan.  In a separate bowl, mix sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice together.  Pour mixture over peaches.  
Then top with whip cream.  You could buy it but homemade is still easy and sooo much better.  I don't ever measure when I make it but this is what I do...
Pour some heavy whipping cream into a bowl. 
Beat on high speed until thick.  
About 1 tsp vanilla and stir in powdered sugar until delicious.  Spread over peaches and condensed milk mixture.  
Place in the fridge for about 30 minutes. You can eat right away but chilling it helps in to stay together better.  This will for sure satisfy your sweet tooth!



  1. Hey we must be related, I grew up eating and now I am making a similar recipe passed down from my mom. It is a little different I am going to try this one to compare.
    One thing that I do is put the whip cream layer in the bottom then the peaches then more whip creamy stuff. You can never get enough of it!

  2. Ha Bethany made up my profile name "mama" so that's who I am Bethany's mama! And Adam and Tara and Rachel!
