Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Twice Baked Potatoes

Twice Baked Potatoes


These were honkin' huge taters.  Half of one still makes a great big serving. You can use much smaller ones.  Cute little yukons or red.  
It's all good.

Scrub the dickens out of these puppies. I love potato skins - best part, so must be clean. I never use a veggie brush. What if someone forgot to mention they scrubbed the grunge out of the sink (or their nails) with it? Veggie brushes cannot be trusted.  Therefore, I always wad up a ball of foil, scrub, then toss. Works great.

Hold the little feller in a clean cloth - they are hot, even when they cool for a while. Take your time scooping out the matter.  Gotta have a good little shell to work with.  Make sure they are thoroughly baked or they won't mash up right and will be so much harder to scoop out!

Let's be honest. 
A potato is a mere vessel for which to hold wonderful things such as butter and cheese, gravy... and bacon. (These don't have bacon because I already had bacon in another part of the meal)

Twice Baked Potatoes
7 large potatoes
1 pint sour cream
3/4 cup butter
Salt - be generous here
6 cups grated cheddar cheese - divided (I used sharp)
1 pkg fresh chives, snipped with scissors

Scrub potatoes and wrap in foil.  Pierce to let steam out.  Bake until tender.  These big ones took 1 1/2 hours at 400 degrees.  Remove from oven and let cool slightly.  Carefully cut in half lengthwise.  Holding each half in a clean cloth, scoop out insides into a mixing bowl, leaving 1/4 inch rim of potato left.  

In mixing bowl, combine potato scoopings, butter, salt, 3 cups of the cheese, and 3/4 of the package of fresh chives.  Whip until smooth and fluffy. If you need more moisture, add a little milk or cream, but usually that much sour cream does it. 

Fill shells, top with remaining cheese, chives and if desired, add bacon.  

Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes, uncovered.

NOTE:  Can be made ahead of time and refrigerated until final baking.  Just increase time if necessary.

Posted by: Rona

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