Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baguette with Brie and Honeycomb

Well here's a sexy little snack...

It's as easy as it gets to make but feels like you should light a candle, dim the lights and put on some Air Supply.

Hi, my name is Rona and I have an obsession with honey.  

There, I said it.

I found a great little Farmer's Market that carries local honeycomb.  I love this place because people like me can go in and get fresh stuff with makeup on and without dreads. I can be pro-life and still pick up some apricots.  Here, they won't wave incense around me because I shave my legs.  Plus, I don't even have to bring my own bag. And to top it off, there was fountain Diet Mountain Dew in the corner.  Need I say more?

Yes, this is honeycomb. And yes it is not only edible, but it does amazing things for your body.  

So honeycomb consists of beeswax and honey, and I know you're wondering if it leave a wad of wax in your mouth.  

Well, not like this..

Baguette with Brie and Honeycomb
Baguette, sliced - (Ry discovered that toasted is better)
Brie cheese

Toast the baguette, spread on the brie, and a little chunk of honeycomb on top.  

Can you feel the love?

Respect the bee.  



Posted by: Rona

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap. Air Supply? This blog is seriously better than 98.3% of what's in my Hulu Queue right now. Thank you for making my Family Home Evening better. Maggie and I appreciate it.
