Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Need a side dish but are banning the beige??  

Oh honey, let's talk.  

Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes

So you know when grandma said, "Leave well enough alone." and it almost sounded boring, depressing, sad?  

Here it is. Well-enough and it's nothing short of spectacular.

This recipe takes the natural beauty of the sweet potato and intensifies it, but still leaving a  pure, delightful taste.  

Let's face it, intensified anything is better.

It's like taking what the good Lord gave ya, and making it a little better, (kind of like mascara), but not a total unrecognizable transformation (like the Life-Style Lift).

Let us all eat orange today.

Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes

3 pounds sweet potatoes
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup olive oil 
juice of one lime (I have left this out when I don't have it)

Peel and dice sweet potatoes into about 1 inch cubes. Or... slice into 3/4 inch slices.  Make sure that knife is sharp, raw sweet potatoes are like cutting into bricks, I swear.  And you might too while cutting these.

Mix oil, honey and lime juice into a Ziploc baggie. Toss in potatoes and shake around to coat. Put on a Pam sprayed cookie sheet. Give them room to breathe - you want these bad boys to roast, not steam. Sprinkle with salt.

Bake at 350 for 45 minutes, take out and turn over 1/2 way through the baking time, then turn up to 400 degrees and bake another 15-20 until tender and golden. (Keep an eye on these - cooking times vary so much, depending on the size of chunk, how many you cram on a pan, and your own oven temp.  You may not need to turn them up at all at the end.)

So.... I know you'll be tempted to turn the temperature up to 400 at the beginning to speed it up.  You know it works for regular roasted potatoes. Yeah don't do it.  With the honey, the increased temperature will cause a rapid progression of molecular over caramelization - they will BURN! So if you want the reputation as the sweet potato burner lady (or man), then go right ahead.

Posted by: Rona

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