Saturday, July 27, 2013

Banana Cupcakes with Vanilla Almond Buttercream

It's simple math.  CUPCAKES turn everyday occasions into happy events.

Example:  Sweep the garage + cupcake = PARTY!

Get kindergarten shots +  eat CUPCAKE = Recess

What is this falderal you ask?  
Why, it's a cupcake.

Bill paying + CUPCAKES = Fiesta Fun

Paper cut  + CUPCAKE = tears of joy

A little self-medication.

Banana Cupcakes

2 3/4 cup flour
1 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. salt
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup shortening
1 3/4 cup sugar
1 T vanilla
2 eggs
1 3/4 cups mashed bananas (Use VERY ripe for best flavor. I put them in my blender to mash up really smooth)
1/2 buttermilk

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Cream together the butter and shortening for 3-4 minutes.  Add sugar and vanilla and beat at medium speed until fluffy, another 3-4 minutes.  Add eggs and beat until well combined. Now add the bananas and buttermilk and mix just until combined.

In separate bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients.   Add a little at a time to the creamed mixture just until mixed.  Scoop into cupcake liners.

Bake for 20-23 minutes.  Let cool in pan for about 10 minutes, remove and cool completely.  

Makes about 26.  

Vanilla Almond Buttercream

5 squares butter (2 1/2 cups), room temperature
2 T vanilla
1 t. almond extract 
1/4 - 1/3 cup heavy cream (can substitute milk, just use less)
1 2 lb. bag powdered sugar

Beat until light and fluffy.  Makes enough to generously frost a double batch of these cupcakes.

"A party without cake is just a meeting" - Julia Child
Posted by: Rona


  1. I love the Julia Child quote. I do not like almond there another extract that would work for frosting? (please don't disown me as a friend for admitting my dislike of almond flavor.)

  2. So about this almond flavoring, with the amount of flavoring vs. the amount of frosting it makes, you can't hardly tell it's in there but when it's combined with the vanilla, it makes a great bakeryish combination! But... if you're really scared, just leave it out all together and just use the vanilla. It will still be great!
